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Here are some extra tips and tricks we've learned along the way and want to share with you as you explore the Naked Buck HeadTM (NBH). We're confident you'll be able to use some of these to master the outcome you desire.

  • Take preliminary measurements and photos before you remove the antlers from the skull. This will help you keep track of your desired outcome.

  • Removing or adding material under the bottom of the NBH unit can help with forehead slope alignment.

  • Removing or adding material within the pedicle socket of the NBH unit can help with antler angles and measurement adjustments.

  • Using a forstner or spade bit is very useful when wanting to change the inner angle of the pedicle socket.

  • Placing thread lock on the bolt going into the magnet can help strengthen the connection and resist rotation.

  • Always pre-drill before screwing into or through the NBH unit.

  • Using industrial double-sided tape in the pedicle socket under the steel slug will help minimize the chance of slug rotation.

  • Using a belt sander is a good way to remove material from the bottom of the NBH base (if needed for forehead slope alignment).

  • Extreme hitting, slamming or jarring of your mount could detach magnetized connection.

  • Always remove the antlers whenever transporting or moving your mount. (Which is one of the best reasons to use the NBH!)

  • Always dry-fit your NBH unit and antlers before caping your mount.

Forstner Bit

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